Tutorial: Use Buildah in a rootless container with GitLab Runner Operator on OpenShift

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab.com, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

This tutorial teaches you how to successfully build images using the buildah tool, with GitLab Runner deployed using GitLab Runner Operator on an OpenShift cluster.

This guide is an adaptation of using Buildah to build images in a rootless OpenShift container documentation for GitLab Runner Operator.

To complete this tutorial, you will:

  1. Configure the Buildah image
  2. Configure the service account
  3. Configure the job


  • A runner already deployed to a gitlab-runner namespace.

Configure the Buildah image

We start by preparing a custom image based on the quay.io/buildah/stable:v1.23.1 image.

  1. Create the Containerfile-buildah file:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    cat > Containerfile-buildah <<EOF
    FROM quay.io/buildah/stable:v1.23.1
    RUN touch /etc/subgid /etc/subuid \
    && chmod g=u /etc/subgid /etc/subuid /etc/passwd \
    && echo build:10000:65536 > /etc/subuid \
    && echo build:10000:65536 > /etc/subgid
    # Use chroot since the default runc does not work when running rootless
    RUN echo "export BUILDAH_ISOLATION=chroot" >> /home/build/.bashrc
    # Use VFS since fuse does not work
    RUN mkdir -p /home/build/.config/containers \
    && (echo '[storage]';echo 'driver = "vfs"') > /home/build/.config/containers/storage.conf
    # The buildah container will run as `build` user
    USER build
    WORKDIR /home/build
  2. Build and push the Buildah image to a container registry. Let’s push to the GitLab container registry:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    docker build -f Containerfile-buildah -t registry.example.com/group/project/buildah:1.23.1 .
    docker push registry.example.com/group/project/buildah:1.23.1

Configure the service account

For these steps, you need to run the commands in a terminal connected to the OpenShift cluster.

  1. Run this command to create a service account named buildah-sa:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    oc create -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: buildah-sa
      namespace: gitlab-runner
  2. Give the created service account the ability to run with anyuid SCC:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z buildah-sa -n gitlab-runner
  3. Use a runner configuration template to configure Operator to use the service account we just created. Create a custom-config.toml file that contains:

    TOML Copy to clipboard
          service_account_overwrite_allowed = "buildah-*"
  4. Create a ConfigMap named custom-config-toml from the custom-config.toml file:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    oc create configmap custom-config-toml --from-file config.toml=custom-config.toml -n gitlab-runner
  5. Set the config property of the Runner by updating its Custom Resource Definition (CRD) file:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
    apiVersion: apps.gitlab.com/v1beta2
    kind: Runner
      name: builah-runner
      gitlabUrl: https://gitlab.example.com
      token: gitlab-runner-secret
      config: custom-config-toml

Configure the job

The final step is to set up a GitLab CI/CD configuration file in you project to use the image we built and the configured service account:

YAML Copy to clipboard
  stage: build
  image: registry.example.com/group/project/buildah:1.23.1
    BUILDAH_FORMAT: docker
    # Log in to the GitLab container registry
    - buildah login -u "$CI_REGISTRY_USER" --password $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY
    - buildah images
    - buildah build -t $FQ_IMAGE_NAME
    - buildah images
    - buildah push $FQ_IMAGE_NAME

The job should use the image that we built as the value of image keyword.

The KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_OVERWRITE variable should have the value of the service account name that we created.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully built an image with Buildah in a rootless container!


There is a known issue with running as non-root. You might need to use a workaround if you are using an OpenShift runner.