Diagrams.net integration contribute

In wikis you can use the diagrams.net editor to create diagrams. The diagrams.net editor runs as a separate web service outside the GitLab application and GitLab instance administrators can configure the URL that points to this service.

This page describes the key implementation aspects of this integration on the frontend. The diagrams.net integration implementation is located in the drawio_editor.js file of the GitLab repository.

IFrame sandbox

The GitLab application embeds the diagrams.net editor inside an iframe. IFrames creates a sandboxed environment that disallows the diagrams.net editor from accessing the GitLab application’s browsing context thus protecting user data and enhancing security.

The diagrams.net and the GitLab application communicate using the postMessage API.

GitLab applicationDiagrams.netGitLab applicationDiagrams.netmessage('configure')action('configure', config)

The GitLab application receives messages from the Diagrams.net editor that contain a serialized JavaScript object. This object has the following shape:

TypeScript Copy to clipboard
type Message = {
  event: string;
  value?: string;
  data?: string;

The event property tells the GitLab application how it should react to the message. The diagrams.net editor sends the following events:

  • configure: When the GitLab application receives this message, it sends back a configure action to set the color theme of the diagrams.net editor.
  • init: When the GitLab application receives this message, it can upload an existing diagram using the load action.
  • exit: The GitLab application closes and disposes the diagrams.net editor.
  • prompt: This event has a value attribute with the diagram’s filename. If the value property is an empty value, the GitLab application should send a promptrequesting the user to introduce a filename.
  • export: This event has a data attribute that contains the diagram created by the user in the SVG format.

Markdown Editor integration

The user can start the diagrams.net editor from the Markdown Editor or the Content Editor. The diagrams.net editor integration doesn’t know implementation details about these editors. Instead, it exposes a protocol or interface that serves as a façade to decouple the editor implementation details from the diagrams.net integration.

+uploadDiagram(filename, diagramSvg)
+updateDiagram(diagramMarkdown, uploadResults)

The diagrams.net integration calls these methods to upload a diagram to the GitLab application or get a diagrams embedded as an uploaded resource in the Markdown Editor.