Event definition guide contribute

The event dictionary is a work in progress, and this process is subject to change.

This guide describes the event dictionary and how it’s implemented.

Event definition and validation

This process is meant to document all internal events and ensure consistency. Every internal event needs to have such a definition. Event definitions must comply with the JSON Schema.

All event definitions are stored in the following directories:

Each event is defined in a separate YAML file consisting of the following fields:

FieldRequiredAdditional information
descriptionyesA description of the event.
internal_eventsnoAlways true for events used in Internal Events.
categorynoRequired for legacy events. Should not be used for Internal Events.
actionyesA unique name for the event. Only lowercase, numbers, and underscores are allowed. Use the format <operation>_<target_of_operation>_<where/when>.

For example: publish_go_module_to_the_registry_from_pipeline
<operation> = publish
<target> = go_module
<when/where> = to_the_registry_from_pipeline.
identifiersnoA list of identifiers sent with the event. Can be set to one or more of project, user, namespace or feature_enabled_by_namespace_ids
product_groupyesThe group that owns the event.
milestonenoThe milestone when the event is introduced.
introduced_by_urlnoThe URL to the merge request that introduced the event.
tiersyesThe tiers where the tracked feature is available. Can be set to one or more of free, premium, or ultimate.
additional_propertiesnoA list of additional properties that are sent with the event. Each additional property must have a record entry with a description field. It is required to add all the additional properties that would be sent with the event in the event definition file. Built-in properties are: label (string), property (string) and value (numeric). Custom properties can be added if the built-in options are not sufficient.

Changing the action property in event definitions

When considering changing the action field in an event definition, it is important to know that:

  • Renaming an event is equivalent to deleting the existing event and creating a new one. This is acceptable if the event is not used in any metrics.

  • Ensure that the YAML file’s name matches the new action name to avoid confusion. This helps maintain clarity and consistency in the event definitions.

Example event definition

This is an example YAML file for an internal event:

YAML Copy to clipboard
description: A user visited a product analytics dashboard
internal_events: true
action: visit_product_analytics_dashboard
- project
- user
- namespace
product_group: group::product analytics
milestone: "16.4"
introduced_by_url: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/128029
- ultimate