Harbor registry contribute

Enable Harbor registry

To enable the Harbor registry, you must configure the Harbor integration for your group or project. The Harbor configuration requires four fields: url, project_name, username and password.

urlThe URL of the Harbor instance.
project_nameThe project name of the Harbor instance.
usernameThe username used to sign in to the Harbor instance.
passwordThe password used to sign in to the Harbor instance.

You can use GitLab CI/CD predefined variables along with the following Harbor registry variables to request data from the Harbor instance.

HARBOR_URLThe URL of the Harbor instance.
HARBOR_HOSTThe host of the Harbor instance URL.
HARBOR_OCIThe OCI URL of the Harbor instance URL.
HARBOR_PROJECTThe project name of the Harbor instance.
HARBOR_USERNAMEThe username used to sign in to the Harbor instance.
HARBOR_PASSWORDThe password used to sign in to the Harbor instance.

Test settings

When testing the settings, a request is sent to /api/v2.0/ping of the Harbor instance. A successful test returns status code 200. This test is primarily to verify that the Harbor instance is configured correctly. It doesn’t verify that the username and password are correct.

Code structure

Shell Copy to clipboard
├── access.rb
├── artifact.rb
├── repository.rb
└── tag.rb

├── application_controller.rb
├── artifacts_controller.rb
├── repositories_controller.rb
└── tags_controller.rb

├── application_controller.rb
├── artifacts_controller.rb
├── repositories_controller.rb
└── tags_controller.rb


├── artifact_entity.rb
├── artifact_serializer.rb
├── repository_entity.rb
├── repository_serializer.rb
├── tag_entity.rb
└── tag_serializer.rb

├── client.rb
└── query.rb

The controllers under app/controllers/projects/harbor and app/controllers/groups/harbor provide the API interface for front-end calls.

The modules under app/controllers/concerns/harbor provide some common methods used by controllers.

The Harbor integration model is under app/models/integrations, and it contains some configuration information for Harbor integration.

The serializers under app/serializers/integrations/harbor_serializers are used by the controllers under app/controllers/projects/harbor and app/controllers/groups/harbor, and they help controllers to serialize the JSON data in the response.

The lib/gitlab/harbor directory contains the Harbor client, which sends API requests to the Harbor instances to retrieve data.

Sequence diagram

Harbor instanceGitLabClientHarbor instanceGitLabClientRequest Harbor registryRequest repositories data via APIRepositories dataReturn repositories dataRequest Harbor registry artifactsRequest artifacts data via APIArtifacts dataReturn artifacts dataRequest Harbor registry tagsRequest tags data via APITags dataReturn tags data


Theread_harbor_registry policy for groups and projects is used to control whether users have access to Harbor registry. This policy is enabled for every user with at least the Reporter role.

Frontend Development

The relevant front-end code is located in the app/assets/javascripts/packages_and_registries/harbor_registry/ directory. The file structure is as follows:

Shell Copy to clipboard
├── components
│   ├── details
│   │   ├── artifacts_list_row.vue
│   │   ├── artifacts_list.vue
│   │   └── details_header.vue
│   ├── list
│   │   ├── harbor_list_header.vue
│   │   ├── harbor_list_row.vue
│   │   └── harbor_list.vue
│   ├── tags
│   │   ├── tags_header.vue
│   │   ├── tags_list_row.vue
│   │   └── tags_list.vue
│   └── harbor_registry_breadcrumb.vue
├── constants
│   ├── common.js
│   ├── details.js
│   ├── index.js
│   └── list.js
├── pages
│   ├── details.vue
│   ├── harbor_tags.vue
│   ├── index.vue
│   └── list.vue
├── index.js
├── router.js
└── utils.js

You can check out this discussion to see why we use the REST API instead of GraphQL.

The file harbor_registry/pages/index.vue only contains a single Vue router-view component, which goes to the images list, image detail, and tags list pages via router.js.

Because registry_breadcrumb.vue component does not support multi-level paths, we have reimplemented the harbor_registry/components/harbor_registry_breadcrumb.vue component.

A multi-level breadcrumb component can be generated by passing a path array to harbor_registry_breadcrumb.vue.

JavaScript Copy to clipboard
const routeNameList = [];
const hrefList = [];
