Model and services spam protection and CAPTCHA support contribute

Before adding any spam or CAPTCHA support to the REST API, GraphQL API, or Web UI, you must first add the necessary support to:

  1. The backend ActiveRecord models.
  2. The services layer.

All or most of the following changes are required, regardless of the type of spam or CAPTCHA request implementation you are supporting. Some newer features which are completely based on the GraphQL API may not have any controllers, and don’t require you to add the mark_as_spam action to the controller.

To do this:

  1. Add Spammable support to the ActiveRecord model.
  2. Add support for the mark_as_spam action to the controller.
  3. Add a call to check_for_spam to the execute method of services.

Add Spammable support to the ActiveRecord model

  1. Include the Spammable module in the model class:

    Ruby Copy to clipboard
    include Spammable
  2. Add: attr_spammable to indicate which fields can be checked for spam. Up to two fields per model are supported: a “title” and a “description”. You can designate which fields to consider the “title” or “description”. For example, this line designates the content field as the description:

    Ruby Copy to clipboard
    attr_spammable :content, spam_description: true
  3. Add a #check_for_spam? method implementation:

    Ruby Copy to clipboard
    def check_for_spam?(user:)
      # Return a boolean result based on various applicable checks, which may include
      # which attributes have changed, the type of user, whether the data is publicly
      # visible, and other criteria. This may vary based on the type of model, and
      # may change over time as spam checking requirements evolve.

    Refer to other existing Spammable models' implementations of this method for examples of the required logic checks.

Add support for the mark_as_spam action to the controller

The SpammableActions::AkismetMarkAsSpamAction module adds support for a #mark_as_spam action to a controller. This controller allows administrators to manage spam for the associated Spammable model in the Spam log section of the Admin area.

  1. Include the SpammableActions::AkismetMarkAsSpamAction module in the controller.

    Ruby Copy to clipboard
    include SpammableActions::AkismetMarkAsSpamAction
  2. Add a #spammable_path method implementation. The spam administration page redirects to this page after edits. Refer to other existing controllers’ implementations of this method for examples of the type of path logic required. In general, it should be the #show action for the Spammable model’s controller.

    Ruby Copy to clipboard
    def spammable_path

There may be other changes needed to controllers, depending on how the feature is implemented. See Web UI for more details.

Add a call to check_for_spam to the execute method of services

This approach applies to any service which can persist spammable attributes:

  1. In the relevant Create or Update service under app/services, call the check_for_spam method on the model.

  2. If the spam check fails:

    • An error is added to the model, which causes it to be invalid and prevents it from being saved.
    • The needs_recaptcha property is set to true.

    These changes to the model enable it for handling by the subsequent backend and frontend CAPTCHA logic.

Make these changes to each relevant service:

  1. In the execute method, call the check_for_spam method on the model. (You can also use before_create or before_update, if the service uses that pattern.) This method uses named arguments, so its usage is clear if you refer to existing examples. However, two important considerations exist:
    1. The check_for_spam must be executed after all necessary changes are made to the unsaved (and dirty) Spammable model instance. This ordering ensures spammable attributes exist to be spam-checked.
    2. The check_for_spam must be executed before the model is checked for errors and attempting a save. If potential spam is detected in the model’s changed attributes, we must prevent a save.
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module Widget
  class CreateService < ::Widget::BaseService
    # NOTE: We add a default value of `true` for `perform_spam_check`, because spam checking is likely to be necessary.
    def initialize(project:, current_user: nil, params: {}, perform_spam_check: true)
      super(project: project, current_user: current_user, params: params)

      @perform_spam_check = perform_spam_check

    def execute
      widget =, current_user, params).execute

      # More code that may manipulate dirty model before it is spam checked.

      # NOTE: do this AFTER the spammable model is instantiated, but BEFORE
      # it is validated or saved.
      widget.check_for_spam(user: current_user, action: :create) if perform_spam_check

      # Possibly more code related to saving model, but should not change any attributes.


    attr_reader :perform_spam_check