Add files to your branch

Use Git to add files to a branch in your local repository. This action creates a snapshot of the file for your next commit and starts version control monitoring. When you add files with Git, you:

  • Prepare content for version control tracking.
  • Create a record of file additions and modifications.
  • Preserve file history for future reference.
  • Make project files available for team collaboration.

Add files to a Git repository

To add a new file from the command line:

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Change directories until you are in your project’s folder.

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    cd my-project
  3. Choose a Git branch to work in.

    • To create a branch: git checkout -b <branchname>
    • To switch to an existing branch: git checkout <branchname>
  4. Copy the file you want to add into the directory where you want to add it.

  5. Confirm that your file is in the directory:

    • Windows: dir
    • All other operating systems: ls

    The filename should be displayed.

  6. Check the status of the file:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    git status

    The filename should be in red. The file is in your file system, but Git isn’t tracking it yet.

  7. Tell Git to track the file:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    git add <filename>
  8. Check the status of the file again:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    git status

    The filename should be green. The file is staged (tracked locally) by Git, but has not been committed and pushed.

Add a file to the last commit

To add changes to a file to the last commit, instead of to a new commit, amend the existing commit:

Shell Copy to clipboard
git add <filename>
git commit --amend

If you do not want to edit the commit message, append --no-edit to the commit command.