Reduce repository size

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

The size of a Git repository can significantly impact performance and storage costs. It can differ slightly from one instance to another due to compression, housekeeping, and other factors.

This page explains how to remove large files from your Git repository.

For more information about repository size, see:

Purge files from repository history

Use this method to remove large files from the entire Git history.

It is not suitable for removing sensitive data like passwords or keys from your repository. Information about commits, including file content, is cached in the database, and remain visible even after they have been removed from the repository. To remove sensitive data, use the method described in Remove blobs.


Purging files is a destructive operation. Before proceeding, ensure you have a backup of the repository.

To purge files from a GitLab repository:

  1. Export the project that contains a copy of your repository, and download it.

  2. Decompress and extract the backup:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    tar xzf project-backup.tar.gz
  3. Clone the repository using --bare and --mirror options:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    git clone --bare --mirror /path/to/project.bundle
  4. Go to the project.git directory:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    cd project.git
  5. Update the remote URL:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    git remote set-url origin<namespace>/<project_name>.git
  6. Analyze the repository using git filter-repo or git-sizer:

    • git filter-repo:

      Shell Copy to clipboard
      git filter-repo --analyze
      head filter-repo/analysis/*-{all,deleted}-sizes.txt
    • git-sizer:

      Shell Copy to clipboard
  7. Purge the history of your repository using one of the following git filter-repo options:

    • --path and --invert-paths to purge specific files:

      Shell Copy to clipboard
      git filter-repo --path path/to/file.ext --invert-paths
    • --strip-blobs-bigger-than to purge all files larger than for example 10M:

      Shell Copy to clipboard
      git filter-repo --strip-blobs-bigger-than 10M

    For more examples, see the git filter-repo documentation.

  8. Back up the commit-map:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    cp filter-repo/commit-map ./_filter_repo_commit_map_$(date +%s)
  9. Unset the mirror flag:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
     git config --unset remote.origin.mirror
  10. Force push the changes:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    git push origin --force 'refs/heads/*'
    git push origin --force 'refs/tags/*'
    git push origin --force 'refs/replace/*'

    For more information about references, see Git references used by Gitaly.

    This step fails for protected branches and protected tags. To proceed, temporarily remove protections.

  11. Wait at least 30 minutes before the next step.

  12. Run the clean up repository process. This process only cleans up objects that are more than 30 minutes old. For more information, see space not being freed after cleanup.