Dependency scanning by using SBOM

  • Tier: Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated
  • Status: Beta

Dependency scanning using CycloneDX SBOM analyzes your application’s dependencies for known vulnerabilities. All dependencies are scanned, including transitive dependencies.

Dependency scanning is often considered part of Software Composition Analysis (SCA). SCA can contain aspects of inspecting the items your code uses. These items typically include application and system dependencies that are almost always imported from external sources, rather than sourced from items you wrote yourself.

Dependency scanning can run in the development phase of your application’s lifecycle. Every time a pipeline produces an SBOM report, security findings are identified and compared between the source and target branches. Findings and their severity are listed in the merge request, enabling you to proactively address the risk to your application, before the code change is committed. Security findings for reported SBOM components are also identified by Continuous Vulnerability Scanning when new security advisories are published, independently from CI/CD pipelines.

GitLab offers both dependency scanning and container scanning to ensure coverage for all of these dependency types. To cover as much of your risk area as possible, we encourage you to use all of our security scanners. For a comparison of these features, see Dependency Scanning compared to Container Scanning.

How it scans an application

The dependency scanning using SBOM approach relies on two distinct phases:

  • First, the dependency detection phase that focuses solely on creating a comprehensive inventory of your project’s dependencies and their relationship (dependency graph). This inventory is captured in an SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) document.
  • Second, after the CI/CD pipeline completes, the GitLab platform processes your SBOM report and performs a thorough security analysis using the built-in GitLab SBOM Vulnerability Scanner. It is the same scanner that provides Continuous Vulnerability Scanning.

This separation of concerns and the modularity of this architecture allows to better support customers through expansion of language support, a tighter integration and experience within the GitLab platform, and a shift towards industry standard report types.

Dependency detection

Dependency scanning using SBOM requires the detected dependencies to be captured in a CycloneDX SBOM document. However, the modular aspect of this functionality allows you to select how this document is generated:

  • Using the Dependency Scanning analyzer provided by GitLab (recommended)
  • Using the (deprecated) Gemnasium analyzer provided by GitLab
  • Using a custom job with a 3rd party CycloneDX SBOM generator or a custom tool.

In order to activate dependency scanning using SBOM, the provided CycloneDX SBOM document must:

When using GitLab provided analyzers, these requirements are met.

Security analysis

Once a compatible CycloneDX SBOM document is uploaded, GitLab automatically performs the security analysis with the GitLab SBOM Vulnerability Scanner. Each component is checked against the GitLab Advisory Database and scan results are processed in the following manners:

If the SBOM report is declared by a CI/CD job on the default branch: vulnerabilities are created, and can be seen in the vulnerability report.

If the SBOM report is declared by a CI/CD job on a non-default branch: security findings are created, and can be seen in the security tab of the pipeline view and MR security widget. This functionality is behing a feature flag and tracked in Epic 14636.

Supported package types

For the security analysis to be effective, the components listed in your SBOM report must have corresponding entries in the GitLab Advisory Database.

The GitLab SBOM Vulnerablity Scanner can report Dependency Scanning vulnerabilities for components with the following PURL types:

  • cargo
  • composer
  • conan
  • gem
  • golang
  • maven
  • npm
  • nuget
  • pypi


Enable the Dependency Scanning using SBOM feature with one of the following options:

  • Use the latest Dependency Scanning CI/CD template Dependency-Scanning.latest.gitlab-ci.yml to enable a GitLab provided analyzer.
    • The (deprecated) Gemnasium analyzer is used by default.
    • To enable the new Dependency Scanning analyzer, set the CI/CD variable DS_ENFORCE_NEW_ANALYZER to true.
  • Use the Scan Execution Policies with the latest template to enable a GitLab provided analyzer.
    • The (deprecated) Gemnasium analyzer is used by default.
    • To enable the new Dependency Scanning analyzer, set the CI/CD variable DS_ENFORCE_NEW_ANALYZER to true.
  • Use the Dependency Scanning CI/CD component to enable the new Dependency Scanning analyzer.
  • Provide your own CycloneDX SBOM document.

The preferred method is to use the new Dependency Scanning analyzer and this is what is documented in the next section. To enable the (deprecated) Gemnasium analyzer please refer to the enablement instructions for the legacy Dependency Scanning feature.

Enabling the analyzer

The Dependency Scanning analyzer produces a CycloneDX SBOM report compatible with GitLab. If your application can’t generate such a report, you can use the GitLab analyzer to produce one.


  • A supported lock file or dependency graph must exist in the repository or must be passed as an artifact to the dependency-scanning job.
  • The component’s stage is required in the .gitlab-ci.yml file.
  • With self-managed runners you need a GitLab Runner with the docker or kubernetes executor.
    • If you’re using SaaS runners on, this is enabled by default.

To enable the analyzer, you must:

  • Use either the latest Dependency Scanning CI/CD template Dependency-Scanning.latest.gitlab-ci.yml and enforce the new Dependency Scanning analyzer by setting the CI/CD variable DS_ENFORCE_NEW_ANALYZER to true.

    YAML Copy to clipboard
        - template: Jobs/Dependency-Scanning.latest.gitlab-ci.yml
  • Use the Scan Execution Policies with the latest template and enforce the new Dependency Scanning analyzer by setting the CI/CD variable DS_ENFORCE_NEW_ANALYZER to true.

  • Use the Dependency Scanning CI/CD component

    YAML Copy to clipboard
        - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/components/dependency-scanning/main@0

Language-specific instructions

If your project doesn’t have a supported lock file dependency graph committed to its repository, you need to provide one.

The examples below show how to create a file that is supported by the GitLab analyzer for popular languages and package managers.


If your project provides only a go.mod file, the Dependency Scanning analyzer can still extract the list of components. However, dependency path information is not available. Additionally, you might encounter false positives if there are multiple versions of the same module.

To benefit from improved component detection and feature coverage, you should provide a go.graph file generated using the go mod graph command from the Go toolchain.

The following example .gitlab-ci.yml demonstrates how to enable the CI/CD component with dependency path support on a Go project. The dependency graph is output as a job artifact in the build stage, before dependency scanning runs.

YAML Copy to clipboard
  - build
  - test

  - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/components/dependency-scanning/main@0

  stage: build
  image: "golang:latest"
    - "go mod tidy"
    - "go build ./..."
    - "go mod graph > go.graph"
    when: on_success
    access: developer
    paths: ["**/go.graph"]


To enable the CI/CD component on a Gradle project:

  1. Edit the build.gradle or build.gradle.kts to use the gradle-dependency-lock-plugin.
  2. Configure the .gitlab-ci.yml file to generate the dependencies.lock artifacts, and pass them to the dependency-scanning job.

The following example demonstrates how to configure the component for a Gradle project.

YAML Copy to clipboard
  - build
  - test

# Define the image that contains Java and Gradle
image: gradle:8.0-jdk11

  - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/components/dependency-scanning/main@0

  # Running in the build stage ensures that the dependency-scanning job
  # receives the maven.graph.json artifacts.
  stage: build
    - gradle generateLock saveLock
    - gradle assemble
  # generateLock saves the lock file in the build/ directory of a project
  # and saveLock copies it into the root of a project. To avoid duplicates
  # and get an accurate location of the dependency, use find to remove the
  # lock files in the build/ directory only.
    - find . -path '*/build/dependencies.lock' -print -delete
  # Collect all dependencies.lock artifacts and pass them onto jobs
  # in sequential stages.
      - "**/dependencies.lock"


The following example .gitlab-ci.yml demonstrates how to enable the CI/CD component on a Maven project. The dependency graph is output as a job artifact in the build stage, before dependency scanning runs.

YAML Copy to clipboard
  - build
  - test

image: maven:3.9.9-eclipse-temurin-21

  - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/components/dependency-scanning/main@0

  # Running in the build stage ensures that the dependency-scanning job
  # receives the maven.graph.json artifacts.
  stage: build
    - mvn install
    - mvn dependency:tree -DoutputType=json -DoutputFile=maven.graph.json
  # Collect all maven.graph.json artifacts and pass them onto jobs
  # in sequential stages.
      - "**/*.jar"
      - "**/maven.graph.json"


If your project provides a requirements.txt lock file generated by the pip-compile command line tool, the Dependency Scanning analyzer can extract the list of components and the dependency graph information, which provides support for the dependency path feature.

Alternatively, your project can provide a pipdeptree.json dependency graph export generated by the pipdeptree --json command line utility.

The following example .gitlab-ci.yml demonstrates how to enable the CI/CD component with dependency path support on a pip project. The build stage outputs the dependency graph as a job artifact before dependency scanning runs.

YAML Copy to clipboard
  - build
  - test

  - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/components/dependency-scanning/main@0

  stage: build
  image: "python:latest"
    - "pip install pipdeptree"
    - "pipdeptree --json > pipdeptree.json"
    when: on_success
    access: developer
    paths: ["**/pipdeptree.json"]


If your project provides only a Pipfile.lock file, the Dependency Scanning analyzer can still extract the list of components. However, dependency path information is not available.

To benefit from improved feature coverage, you should provide a pipenv.graph.json file generated by the pipenv graph command.

The following example .gitlab-ci.yml demonstrates how to enable the CI/CD component with dependency path support on a Pipenv project. The build stage outputs the dependency graph as a job artifact before dependency scanning runs.

YAML Copy to clipboard
  - build
  - test

  - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/components/dependency-scanning/main@0

  stage: build
  image: "python:latest"
    - "pipenv graph --json-tree > pipenv.graph.json"
    when: on_success
    access: developer
    paths: ["**/pipenv.graph.json"]


To enable the CI/CD component on an sbt project:

The following example .gitlab-ci.yml demonstrates how to enable the CI/CD component with dependency path support in an sbt project. The build stage outputs the dependency graph as a job artifact before dependency scanning runs.

YAML Copy to clipboard
  - build
  - test

  - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/components/dependency-scanning/main@0

  stage: build
  image: "sbtscala/scala-sbt:eclipse-temurin-17.0.13_11_1.10.7_3.6.3"
    - "sbt dependencyDot"
    when: on_success
    access: developer
    paths: ["**/"]

Customizing analyzer behavior

How to customize the analyzer varies depending on the enablement solution.

Test all customization of GitLab analyzers in a merge request before merging these changes to the default branch. Failure to do so can give unexpected results, including a large number of false positives.

Customizing behavior with the CI/CD template

When using the latest Dependency Scanning CI/CD template Dependency-Scanning.latest.gitlab-ci.yml or Scan Execution Policies please use CI/CD variables.

Available CI/CD variables

The following variables allow configuration of global dependency scanning settings.

CI/CD variablesDescription
DS_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERSSpecify the analyzers (by name) to exclude from Dependency Scanning.
DS_EXCLUDED_PATHSExclude files and directories from the scan based on the paths. A comma-separated list of patterns. Patterns can be globs (see doublestar.Match for supported patterns), or file or folder paths (for example, doc,spec). Parent directories also match patterns. This is a pre-filter which is applied before the scan is executed. Default: "spec, test, tests, tmp".
DS_MAX_DEPTHDefines how many directory levels deep that the analyzer should search for supported files to scan. A value of -1 scans all directories regardless of depth. Default: 2.
DS_INCLUDE_DEV_DEPENDENCIESWhen set to "false", development dependencies are not reported. Only projects using Composer, Conda, Gradle, Maven, npm, pnpm, Pipenv, Poetry, or uv are supported. Default: "true"
DS_PIPCOMPILE_REQUIREMENTS_FILE_NAME_PATTERNDefines which requirement files to process using glob pattern matching (for example, requirements*.txt or *-requirements.txt). The pattern should match filenames only, not directory paths. See glob pattern documentation for syntax details.
SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIXOverride the name of the Docker registry providing the official default images (proxy).

Overriding dependency scanning jobs

To override a job definition declare a new job with the same name as the one to override. Place this new job after the template inclusion and specify any additional keys under it. For example, this configures the dependencies: [] attribute for the dependency-scanning job:

YAML Copy to clipboard
  - template: Jobs/Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml

  dependencies: ["build"]

Customizing behavior with the CI/CD component

When using the Dependency Scanning CI/CD component, the analyzer can be customized by configuring the inputs.


The dependency scanning analyzer produces CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for each supported lock file or dependency graph export detected.

CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials


The dependency scanning analyzer outputs a CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for each supported lock or dependency graph export it detects. The CycloneDX SBOMs are created as job artifacts.

The CycloneDX SBOMs are:

  • Named gl-sbom-<package-type>-<package-manager>.cdx.json.
  • Available as job artifacts of the dependency scanning job.
  • Uploaded as cyclonedx reports.
  • Saved in the same directory as the detected lock or dependency graph exports files.

For example, if your project has the following structure:

Copy to clipboard
├── ruby-project/
│   └── Gemfile.lock
├── ruby-project-2/
│   └── Gemfile.lock
└── php-project/
    └── composer.lock

The following CycloneDX SBOMs are created as job artifacts:

Copy to clipboard
├── ruby-project/
│   ├── Gemfile.lock
│   └── gl-sbom-gem-bundler.cdx.json
├── ruby-project-2/
│   ├── Gemfile.lock
│   └── gl-sbom-gem-bundler.cdx.json
└── php-project/
    ├── composer.lock
    └── gl-sbom-packagist-composer.cdx.json

Merging multiple CycloneDX SBOMs

You can use a CI/CD job to merge the multiple CycloneDX SBOMs into a single SBOM.

GitLab uses CycloneDX Properties to store implementation-specific details in the metadata of each CycloneDX SBOM, such as the location of dependency graph exports and lock files. If multiple CycloneDX SBOMs are merged together, this information is removed from the resulting merged file.

For example, the following .gitlab-ci.yml extract demonstrates how the Cyclone SBOM files can be merged, and the resulting file validated.

YAML Copy to clipboard
  - test
  - merge-cyclonedx-sboms

  - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/components/dependency-scanning/main@0

merge cyclonedx sboms:
  stage: merge-cyclonedx-sboms
    name: cyclonedx/cyclonedx-cli:0.27.1
    entrypoint: [""]
    - find . -name "gl-sbom-*.cdx.json" -exec cyclonedx merge --output-file gl-sbom-all.cdx.json --input-files "{}" +
    # optional: validate the merged sbom
    - cyclonedx validate --input-version v1_6 --input-file gl-sbom-all.cdx.json
      - gl-sbom-all.cdx.json


When working with dependency scanning, you might encounter the following issues.

Warning: grep: command not found

The analyzer image contains minimal dependencies to decrease the image’s attack surface. As a result, utilities commonly found in other images, like grep, are missing from the image. This may result in a warning like /usr/bin/bash: line 3: grep: command not found to appear in the job log. This warning does not impact the results of the analyzer and can be ignored.