
  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

GitLab uses the Asciidoctor gem to convert AsciiDoc content to HTML5. Consult the Asciidoctor User Manual for a complete Asciidoctor reference.

You can use AsciiDoc in the following areas:

  • Wiki pages
  • AsciiDoc documents (.adoc or .asciidoc) inside repositories


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A normal paragraph.
Line breaks are not preserved.

Line comments, which are lines that start with //, are skipped:

Copy to clipboard
// this is a comment

A blank line separates paragraphs.

A paragraph with the [%hardbreaks] option preserves line breaks:

Copy to clipboard
This paragraph carries the `hardbreaks` option.
Notice how line breaks are now preserved.

An indented (literal) paragraph disables text formatting, preserves spaces and line breaks, and is displayed in a fixed-width font:

Copy to clipboard
 This literal paragraph is indented with one space.
 As a consequence, *text formatting*, spaces,
 and lines breaks will be preserved.

Admonition paragraphs grab the reader’s attention:

  • NOTE: This is a brief reference, please read the full documentation at
  • TIP: Lists can be indented. Leading whitespace is not significant.

Text formatting

  • Constrained (applied at word boundaries):

    Copy to clipboard
    *strong importance* (aka bold)
    _stress emphasis_ (aka italic)
    `monospaced` (aka typewriter text)
    "`double`" and '`single`' typographic quotes
    +passthrough text+ (substitutions disabled)
    `+literal text+` (monospaced with substitutions disabled)
  • Unconstrained (applied anywhere):

    Copy to clipboard
  • Replacements:

    Copy to clipboard
    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
    (C) 1976 Arty Artisan
    I believe I shall--no, actually I won't.
  • Macros:

    Copy to clipboard
    // where c=specialchars, q=quotes, a=attributes, r=replacements, m=macros, p=post_replacements
    The European icon:flag[role=blue] is blue & contains pass:[************] arranged in a icon:circle-o[role=yellow].
    The pass:c[->] operator is often referred to as the stabby lambda.
    Since `pass:[++]` has strong priority in AsciiDoc, you can rewrite pass:c,a,r[C++ => C{pp}].
    // activate stem support by adding `:stem:` to the document header
    stem:[sqrt(4) = 2]
Copy to clipboard[A webpage]
link:../path/to/file.txt[A local file]
xref:document.adoc[A sibling document][Email to say hello!]


Copy to clipboard
[[idname,reference text]]
// or written using normal block attributes as `[#idname,reftext=reference text]`
A paragraph (or any block) with an anchor (aka ID) and reftext.

See <<idname>> or <<idname,optional text of internal link>>.

xref:document.adoc#idname[Jumps to anchor in another document].

This paragraph has a footnote.footnote:[This is the text of the footnote.]



Copy to clipboard
* level 1
** level 2
*** level 3
**** level 4
***** level 5
* back at level 1
Attach a block or paragraph to a list item using a list continuation (which you can enclose in an open block).

.Some Authors
- Edgar Allen Poe
- Sheri S. Tepper
- Bill Bryson


Copy to clipboard
. Step 1
. Step 2
.. Step 2a
.. Step 2b
. Step 3

.Remember your Roman numerals?
. is one
. is two
. is three


Copy to clipboard
* [x] checked
* [ ] not checked


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// enable callout bubbles by adding `:icons: font` to the document header
puts 'Hello, World!' # <1>
<1> Prints `Hello, World!` to the console.


Copy to clipboard
first term:: description of first term
second term::
description of second term


Copy to clipboard
= Document Title
Author Name <>
v1.0, 2019-01-01


Copy to clipboard
= Document Title (Level 0)
== Level 1
=== Level 2
==== Level 3
===== Level 4
====== Level 5
== Back at Level 1


Wiki pages created with the AsciiDoc format are saved with the file extension .asciidoc. When working with AsciiDoc wiki pages, change the filename from .adoc to .asciidoc.

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Copy to clipboard
// you can also include other files from you repository

To guarantee good system performance and prevent malicious documents from causing problems, GitLab enforces a maximum limit on the number of include directives processed in any one document. By default, a document can have up to 32 include directives, which is inclusive of transitive dependencies. To customize the number of processed includes directives, change the application setting asciidoc_max_includes with the application settings API.

The current maximum allowed value for asciidoc_max_includes is 64. If the value is too high, it might cause performance issues in some situations.

To use includes from separate pages or external URLs, enable the allow-uri-read in application settings.

Copy to clipboard
// define application setting allow-uri-read to true to allow content to be read from URI



Copy to clipboard
// define attributes in the document header
:name: value
Copy to clipboard

You can download and install Asciidoctor {asciidoctor-version} from {url-gem}.
C{pp} is not required, only Ruby.
Use a leading backslash to output a word enclosed in curly braces, like \{name}.


GitLab sets the following environment attributes:

docnameRoot name of the source document (no leading path or file extension).
outfilesuffixFile extension corresponding to the backend output (defaults to .adoc to make inter-document cross references work).


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open - a general-purpose content wrapper; useful for enclosing content to attach to a list item
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// recognized types include CAUTION, IMPORTANT, NOTE, TIP, and WARNING
// enable admonition icons by setting `:icons: font` in the document header
admonition - a notice for the reader, ranging in severity from a tip to an alert
Copy to clipboard
example - a demonstration of the concept being documented
Copy to clipboard
.Toggle Me
collapsible - these details are revealed by clicking the title
Copy to clipboard
sidebar - auxiliary content that can be read independently of the main content
Copy to clipboard
literal - an exhibit that features program output
Copy to clipboard
listing - an exhibit that features program input, source code, or the contents of a file
Copy to clipboard
source - a listing that is embellished with (colorized) syntax highlighting
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fenced code - a shorthand syntax for the source block
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quote - a quotation or excerpt; attribution with title of source are optional
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verse - a literary excerpt, often a poem; attribution with title of source are optional
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pass - content passed directly to the output document; often raw HTML
Copy to clipboard
// activate stem support by adding `:stem:` to the document header
x = y^2
Copy to clipboard
comment - content which is not included in the output document


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.Table Attributes
| Attribute Name | Values

| options
| header,footer,autowidth

| cols
| colspec[;colspec;...]

| grid
| all \| cols \| rows \| none

| frame
| all \| sides \| topbot \| none

| stripes
| all \| even \| odd \| none

| width
| (0%..100%)

| format
| psv {vbar} csv {vbar} dsv


It’s possible to have color written in HEX, RGB, or HSL format rendered with a color indicator. Supported formats (named colors are not supported):

  • HEX: `#RGB[A]` or `#RRGGBB[AA]`
  • RGB: `RGB[A](R, G, B[, A])`
  • HSL: `HSL[A](H, S, L[, A])`

Color written inside backticks is followed by a color “chip”:

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- `#F00`
- `#F00A`
- `#FF0000`
- `#FF0000AA`
- `RGB(0,255,0)`
- `RGB(0%,100%,0%)`
- `RGBA(0,255,0,0.3)`
- `HSL(540,70%,50%)`
- `HSLA(540,70%,50%,0.3)`

Equations and formulas

If you need to include Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) expressions, set the stem attribute in the document’s header to latexmath. Equations and formulas are rendered using KaTeX:

Copy to clipboard
:stem: latexmath

latexmath:[C = \alpha + \beta Y^{\gamma} + \epsilon]

sqrt(4) = 2

A matrix can be written as stem:[[[a,b\],[c,d\]\]((n),(k))].

Diagrams and flowcharts

It’s possible to generate diagrams and flowcharts from text in GitLab using Mermaid or PlantUML.


Visit the official page for more details. If you’re new to using Mermaid or need help identifying issues in your Mermaid code, the Mermaid Live Editor is a helpful tool for creating and resolving issues in Mermaid diagrams.

To generate a diagram or flowchart, enter your text in a mermaid block:

Copy to clipboard
graph LR
    A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
    A --> C(Round Rect)
    B --> D{Rhombus}
    C --> D


Kroki supports more than a dozen diagram libraries. To make Kroki available in GitLab, a GitLab administrator needs to enable it first. Read more in the Kroki integration page.

After Kroki is enabled, you can create diagrams in AsciiDoc and Markdown documents. Here’s an example using a GraphViz diagram:

  • AsciiDoc:

    Copy to clipboard
    digraph G {
  • Markdown:

    Markdown Copy to clipboard
    digraph G {


PlantUML integration is enabled on To make PlantUML available in GitLab Self-Managed installation of GitLab, a GitLab administrator must enable it.

After PlantUML is enabled, enter your text in a plantuml block:

Copy to clipboard
Bob -> Alice : hello

To include PlantUML diagrams stored in separate files:

Copy to clipboard
[plantuml, format="png", id="myDiagram", width="200px"]


Copy to clipboard
image::screenshot.png[block image,800,450]

Press image:reload.svg[reload,16,opts=interactive] to reload the page.


GitLab does not support embedding YouTube and Vimeo videos in AsciiDoc content. Use a standard AsciiDoc link:

Copy to clipboard[Link text for the video]


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// thematic break (aka horizontal rule)
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// page break