Metrics for measuring monorepo performance

The following metrics can be used to measure server side performance of your monorepo. These metrics are not limited to monorepo performance and are more general metrics to measure Gitaly performance, but they are especially relevant when running a monorepo.

Clones and Fetches

The most frequent expensive operation are clones and fetches. When taken as a percentage of system resources consumed, these operations often contribute to 90% or more of system resources on Gitaly nodes. Here are some logs and metrics that can provide useful signals.

CPU and Memory

There are two main RPCs that handle clones/fetches. The following log entry fields an be used to inspect how much system resources are consumed by clones/fetches for a given repository.

The following are log entry fields in the Gitaly logs that can be filtered on:

Log fieldValues to filter onWhy?
json.grpc.methodPostReceivePackThis is the RPC that handles HTTP clones/fetches
json.grpc.methodSSHReceivePackThis is the RPC that handles SSH clones/fetches
json.grpc.codeOKIndicates the RPC has successfully served its request
json.grpc.codeCanceledOften times indicates the client killed the connection, usually due to a timeout of some sort
json.grpc.codeResourceExhaustedIndicates there are too many Git processes being spawned on the machine simultaneously
json.user_idA user_id who initiated the clone/fetch. This is in the form of user-<user_id>. For example: user-22345Indicates there are too many Git processes being spawned on the machine simultaneously
json.usernameA username who initiated the clone/fetch. For example: ilovecodingIn order to see how many clones/fetches were from a given user. This is sometimes helpful to find excessive clone operations by a single user
json.grpc.request.glRepositoryA repository in question. In the form of project-<project_id>. For example: project-214In order to see how many clones/fetches were for a given repository.
json.grpc.request.glProjectPathA repository in question. In the form of a project path. For example: my-org/coolprojectIn order to see how many clones/fetches were for a given repository.

The following are log entry fields that give useful information about CPU and memory:

Log field to inspectWhat does it tell you?
json.command.cpu_time_msHow much CPU time used by subprocesses this RPC spawned
json.command.maxrssHow much memory was consumed from subprocesses this RPC spawned

Example log message:

JSON Copy to clipboard
    "msg":"finished streaming call with code OK",

Read distribution

The gitaly_praefect_read_distribution Prometheus metric is a counter that indicates how many reads have gone to which Gitaly nodes. This metric has two vectors:

| Metric Name | Vector | What is it? | |————————————-|————————————————————————————————————————| | gitaly_praefect_read_distribution | virtual_storage| The virtual storage name | | gitaly_praefect_read_distribution | storage | The Gitaly storage name |

Pack objects cache

The pack objects cache can be observed through both logs as well as Prometheus metrics.

Log field nameDescription
pack_objects_cache.hitIndicates whether the current pack-objects cache was hit (true or false)
pack_objects_cache.keyCache key used for the pack-objects cache
pack_objects_cache.generated_bytesSize (in bytes) of the new cache being written
pack_objects_cache.served_bytesSize (in bytes) of the cache being served
pack_objects.compression_statisticsStatistics regarding pack-objects generation
pack_objects.enumerate_objects_msTotal time (in ms) spent enumerating objects sent by clients
pack_objects.prepare_pack_msTotal time (in ms) spent preparing the packfile before sending it back to the client
pack_objects.write_pack_file_msTotal time (in ms) spent sending back the packfile to the client. Highly dependent on the client’s internet connection
pack_objects.written_object_countTotal number of objects Gitaly sends back to the client

Example log message:

JSON Copy to clipboard
"msg":"finished unary call with code OK",
"pack_objects.compression_statistics": "Total 145991 (delta 68), reused 6 (delta 2), pack-reused 145911",
"pack_objects.enumerate_objects_ms": 170,
"pack_objects.prepare_pack_ms": 7,
"pack_objects.write_pack_file_ms": 786,
"pack_objects.written_object_count": 145991,
"pack_objects_cache.generated_bytes": 49533030,
"pack_objects_cache.hit": "false",
"pack_objects_cache.key": "123456789",
"pack_objects_cache.served_bytes": 49533030,
"peer.address": "",
"pid": 8813,

| Prometheus metric name | Vector | Description | |:—|:—| | gitaly_pack_objects_served_bytes_total | | Size (in bytes) of the cache being served| | gitaly_pack_objects_cache_lookups_total | result | hit or miss,indicating whether or not a cache lookup resulted in a cache hit or miss |