Troubleshooting projects
When working with projects, you might encounter the following issues, or require alternate methods to complete specific tasks.
An error occurred while fetching commit data
When you visit a project, the message An error occurred while fetching commit data
might be displayed
if you use an ad blocker in your browser. The solution is to disable your ad blocker
for the GitLab instance you are trying to access.
Find projects using an SQL query
While in a Rails console session, you can find and store an array of projects based on a SQL query:
# Finds projects that end with '%ject'
projects = Project.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE name LIKE '%ject'")
=> [#<Project id:12 root/my-first-project>>, #<Project id:13 root/my-second-project>>]
Clear a project’s or repository’s cache
If a project or repository has been updated but the state is not reflected in the UI, you may need to clear the project’s or repository’s cache. You can do so through a Rails console session and one of the following:
Commands that change data can cause damage if not run correctly or under the right conditions. Always run commands in a test environment first and have a backup instance ready to restore.
## Clear project cache
## Clear repository .exists? cache
Find projects that are pending deletion
If you need to find all projects marked for deletion but that have not yet been deleted, start a Rails console session and run the following:
projects = Project.where(pending_delete: true)
projects.each do |p|
puts "Project ID: #{}"
puts "Project name: #{}"
puts "Repository path: #{p.repository.full_path}"
Delete a project using console
If a project cannot be deleted, you can attempt to delete it through Rails console.
Commands that change data can cause damage if not run correctly or under the right conditions. Always run commands in a test environment first and have a backup instance ready to restore.
project = Project.find_by_full_path('<project_path>')
user = User.find_by_username('<username>'), user, {}).execute
If this fails, display why it doesn’t work with:
project = Project.find_by_full_path('<project_path>')
Toggle a feature for all projects within a group
While toggling a feature in a project can be done through the projects API, you may need to do this for a large number of projects.
To toggle a specific feature, you can start a Rails console session and run the following function:
Commands that change data can cause damage if not run correctly or under the right conditions. Always run commands in a test environment first and have a backup instance ready to restore.
projects = Group.find_by_name('_group_name').projects
projects.each do |p|
## replace <feature-name> with the appropriate feature name in all instances
state = p.<feature-name>
if state != 0
puts "#{} has <feature-name> already enabled. Skipping..."
puts "#{} didn't have <feature-name> enabled. Enabling..."
p.project_feature.update!(<feature-name>: ProjectFeature::PRIVATE)
To find features that can be toggled, run pp p.project_feature
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